In a world buzzing with the term "self-love," have you ever found yourself wondering, "How do I actually express this love to myself and to others?" We're bombarded with tips about setting boundaries and taking 'me time,' which are fantastic, but expressing self-love goes beyond these practices. Let's dive into an age-old guide that can illuminate the path to self-love, one that you might not expect—the Bible.
In Matthew 22:38-39, a profound truth is revealed: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Hold on, though. Have you ever paused to ponder how you love yourself? It's easy to get caught up in loving others—spouses, friends, siblings, parents, children—but we often neglect the crucial first step. We can only love others as much as we love ourselves; our love for them is a reflection of the love we have for ourselves.
Here's a revelation: To understand how you love, observe how you love others. Are you kind, caring, or perhaps a tad judgmental? Your interactions with others are a mirror reflecting the love you have for yourself. It's an eye-opening concept, isn't it?
Now, for those who might say, "I don't know how to love myself; I was never taught," fear not. There's a beautiful solution awaiting you. First off, in Matthew 22:38, the Bible emphasizes the importance of loving God first with all that you are. This is a powerful starting point. God is love, and as we engage in a relationship with Him, we're transformed into His character. Love becomes a tangible fruit within us, as beautifully described in Galatians 5:22 as a fruit of the spirit.
Secondly, let's unravel the wisdom found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. While this passage is often applied to romantic love, it has a broader application to every facet of our lives, particularly to ourselves. Be patient with yourself, be kind to yourself, speak life-giving words to yourself, honor your body, mind, and soul, trust that you can do good things, and hope for good things over yourself.
It's a daily practice, a journey within. Expressing self-love becomes a rhythmic dance of treating yourself with the same kindness and patience you extend to others. Remember, how you love yourself will inevitably shape how you love those around you.
So, my lovely readers, let's embark on this journey of self-love. Embrace the profound wisdom of ancient scriptures, and watch as the expression of self-love blossoms within you, painting your world with kindness, patience, and a love that overflows.
With love and light,
Kendi Revived